Just look at all there is in an egg...

Posted by Simon Cripps Clark on Monday, December 12, 2016 Under: Eggs
Let's take a look at what nutriments an egg contains, especially when it comes from an Organic certified, free range farm, where hens pasture in large green shaded fields...

  • Vitamin A – Did you know that egg yolks (from pastured hens) are a rich sources of this vitamin necessary for balanced hormones. In the yolk it is paired with the healthful fats and since vitamin A is a fat soluble this is very important as we can absorb it. Although Vitamin A can also be found in some vegetables such as carotts and sweet potatoe, these on the contrary, do not naturally contain the fat needed for their absorption.
  • Vitamin D – Like vitamin A, vitamin D is another fat-soluble vitamin sorely lacking from the Western diet. The vast majority of individuals do not receive adequate vitamin D from sunlight.
  • Choline – More than 90% of Americans are deficient in this B vitamin and one pastured egg yolks provides 35% of your daily value of choline. Choline supplementation has been shown to reduce memory loss and choline plays and important role in the body’s detoxification pathways, because it provides methyl groups to the liver which help neutralize toxins.
  • Selenium – Selenium is necessary for the conversion of thyroid hormones from the inactive form to the active form. Egg yolks are nature’s thyroid support supplement, due to the selenium content, vitamin content and healthful fats. (About 40% of the selenium is found in the white and 60% is in the yolk.)
  • Iodine – Pastured egg yolks are a valuable source of iodine, with one egg yolk containing 27 micrograms of iodine.
  • Vitamin B6 – Raw egg yolks contain a moderate amount of B6. This heat-sensitive vitamin is diminished with cooking, so consuming raw yolks ensures the maximum absorption of this essential nutrient.
  • Biotin – An egg provides about 25% of your daily needs for biotin. This B-vitamin plays a key role in skin, hair, metabolic and blood-sugar health. 80% of the biotin is found in the yolk and 20% is in the white.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids – Pastured egg yolks are particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids, the anti-inflammatory fats so crucial to all aspects of wellbeing.
  • Cholesterol – Humans have thrived on old-fashioned, cholesterol-rich animal fats like egg yolks since we were, er, human. The cholesterol in egg yolks provides strongly health-protective properties and plays a key role in immune strength and mental health

Pastured eggs, both raw and cooked, provide a dense source of nutrition. Adding raw eggs – or just raw egg yolks – to your daily smoothie or whisked into homemade chocolate milk or soup is a convenient way to boost your intake of vitamins, minerals and fat-soluble vitamins. Consuming the egg yolks raw also preserves the vitamin B6 content, which is diminished with heat.

In : Eggs 

Tags: eggs vitamines nutriments 
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Simon Cripps Clark My passion is nature. I enjoy walking, climbing, observing wildlife and just taking in the beauty of the world.